Product Care

Fill sink/bowl with warm water and soap and pop collar in

Rub off dirt with a soft cloth

Rinse under cold water

Dry with kitchen towel

Now the collar should look as good as new!

Any questions about caring for your collar?

Don’t hesitate to contact us!

Measurement Guide

Getting the measurements right for your dog's collar is crucial for their comfort, safety, and overall well-being. Ill-fitting collars can cause discomfort, restrict movement, or even pose a choking hazard.

If your dog has a collar already that sits comfortably on their neck in a position you are happy with, the easiest thing to do is measure it from end to end (including hardware) to get the right measurements for their new collar!

If you would rather measure your dogs neck, here's a step-by-step guide to ensure you get the measurements right:

Locate the Base of the Neck:

Identify the base of your dog's neck, where the collar would typically sit.

Use Measuring Tape:

Place a soft measuring tape around the base of your dog's neck, ensuring it is snug but not too tight.

Allow Space for Comfort:

Insert two fingers between the measuring tape and your dog's neck. This creates a comfortable fit, allowing for natural movement and preventing any discomfort.

Take the Measurement:

Once you have the tape positioned and the desired space, note the measurement indicated by the tape. Record this number as the ‘neck measurement’.

Determine Collar Size:

At Willabean, 5 of our collars are designed so that the neck measurement of your dog corresponds to the middle hole setting in the collar (the 3rd hole out of the 5). This allows for some growing (and shrinking!) room for your furry friend.

Consider Comfort and Fit:

Ensure the chosen collar size provides a comfortable and secure fit for your dog. It should not be too loose to slip off nor too tight to cause discomfort or restrict movement.

By following these steps, you can accurately measure your dog for a collar and ensure a comfortable and secure fit ready for any adventure.